Answered By: Andrew Adler Last Updated: May 11, 2023 Views: 235
Ensor LRC eReserves Policy
Electronic reserves allow you to offer secure access to digital materials directly in your Canvas course shell through our Springshare software. This allows your students to access the materials without leaving the Canvas platform and is password protected through the Georgetown College authentication systems. This also allows us to mediate access to these materials to ensure they are used properly and within copyright limitations. We will remove pages from the system two weeks following the end of the semester. The reserves will include links to full-text articles or book chapter selections.
- Ensor LRC can make individual book chapters, journal articles, audio and video clips, etc. available for electronic reserve. The primary function of these services is to assure that students and professors have timely access to course-related library resources.
- Ensor LRC complies with all applicable copyright laws. The following standards apply to the use of copyrighted works as electronic reserves:
- Inclusion of materials on electronic reserve will be at the request of the instructor for educational purposes only;
- the Library must possess a lawfully obtained copy of any material requested for use as eReserves;
- each eReserve selection will include a citation of the source publication and a form of copyright notice;
- access to eReserves will be terminated two weeks after the end of each semester;
- Library reserve requests will be investigated to see if the materials requested are available through an electronic database and will provide stable links to such readings when possible;
- Ensor LRC will not charge students for access to eReserve materials
Because of copyright regulations, certain limitations must be placed on what items are placed on eReserve.
- Book selections: The library does not place a percentage amount on how much of a book can be posted on electronic reserve over the course of a semester. Copyright law does not place a percentage on the legally allowed amount, but best practices is that the less that can be scanned, the better. If a work is held within the Public Domain, or permission is given by the copyright holder, more can be posted. Please note: Posting unpublished documents on electronic reserve requires the written permission of the author(s).
- Journal articles: As a general rule, no more than two articles from any single issue of a journal or magazine can be posted on electronic reserve over the course of a semester. This limit does not apply to articles that are available online – either through Ensor LRC’s licensed resources or on the open Web), are in the Public Domain, or for which the copyright holder allows the use of the article in writing.
- Links to External Webpages or Documents: Ensor LRC does not make links to external webpages or documents. Place links to these items directly in the syllabus or module.
- Full-text articles: For those articles Ensor LRC has full-text access to, we will seek to create durable links for access. We may link to any number of articles in a single issue of a journal available through a licensed database. Please use the catalog to determine if a journal is available through one of LRC’s licensed databases. PDFs or scans will not be required for articles available through our resources.
Electronic Reserve Requests
Reserve requests are made through the online Electronic Reserve Request Form. Once requests are made, please allow one week for processing. The library will email instructors with directions on accessing the page. Requests can be made 1 semester prior to you teaching the course. The maximum number of items that can be put on reserve is 15 for each course per semester.
Ensor LRC Print Reserves Policy
What can be placed on Reserve?
- Books and media materials such as DVDs and CDs
- Books and media that belong to an Instructor can be placed on Reserve for more than one semester
- Books and media that belong to the Library
- Can be placed on Reserve for one complete semester the first time
- For any semester after the first, the item can be placed on Reserve for 8 (eight) successive weeks to be chosen by the Instructor. This will give access to the class during the critical time period, while still allowing the item to be used by other individual researchers during the rest of the semester.
- Photocopies or scanned copies can only remain on Reserve for one semester with no renewals
- Journals articles
- 1 – 2 articles from a single journal issue
- A maximum of two copies of the same article
- Books: as a general rule, no more than 10% of the book
- Journals articles
- Tests that have been created by the Instructor
What cannot be placed on Reserve?
- Solutions manuals, standardized tests, course packs, and workbooks
- Photocopies of entire books; any photocopies (books or articles) previously on Reserve
- Illegal /pirated / bootlegged works
- Materials that belong to other libraries or institutions
- Library staff cannot make photocopies.
What do YOU need to do – and WHEN?
- Allow at least 5 business days for processing.
- Instructors are responsible for complying with copyright law and any requisite payment to the holder of the copyright. Photocopies must be accompanied by bibliographic information on the source of the copy – also the responsibility of the instructor.
- The instructor must sign the Reserve form. When an on-line form is submitted, a signed copy of the Reserve form must be on file.
- Please be sure that Reserve items are available before making an assignment.
- Instructors should pick up their Reserve items at the end of each semester. Any photocopies not picked up within three (3) weeks of the last Final date will be destroyed. Any books not picked up by the end of the following semester will become the property of the library.
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