Answered By: Randall Myers Last Updated: Feb 22, 2023 Views: 113
Overdue Fines / Lost Library Materials
Overdue Fines are used as an incentive for borrowers to return library materials after a reasonable loan period, so that materials may be properly accounted for and can be made available for other borrowers.
Items not returned by the posted due date and time are assessed the following fine:- $0.25 per hour for Course Reserves/Laptops
- $ 5.00 per hour for library keys (no maximum fine – we only have one key and we need it back!)
Fines may be paid at the Circulation Desk by using cash or by a check made payable to Georgetown College. Unfortunately we do not have the ability to accept payment by credit card.
System generated emails are sent before an item is due and when it is overdue. All legitimate objections to library charges will be considered. Notices are sent when an item(s) is approaching its due date and overdue notices are sent when the item(s) are past their due date.
Problems that do NOT constitute a legitimate basis for consideration are:- Lack of knowledge or understanding of Library policies
- Disagreement with amount or fine structure or the inability to pay fines and charges (payment plan is available)
- Unwillingness to take responsibility for materials checked out to you and loaned to a third party
- Failure to receive or read an overdue notice
- Fines accrued during vacation or College holidays
- The Library would much rather have items returned on time than charge fines. Please remember to return all items by assigned due dates to avoid overdue fines.
- To access your library account to view items checked out, renew items, and place holds you will need to create an account in EDS. Please visit EDS.
You can review the due dates of all your items by accessing your library account.
A person will receive notification until an item is marked lost. A patron will receive one personal email to verify if s/he still has the item and to give one extra week of notification that the listed item(s) will be charged to the account. If the emails warning are ignored and you lose a LRC item, two fines will appear on your account:
- Lost Item Processing ($10.00)
- Lost Item Replacement ($50.00) {Book}
- Lost Item Replacement ($10.00) {DVD/CD/Media}
- Lost Item Replacement ($200.00) {Wii}
- Lost Item Replacement ($1000.00) {Laptop}
If you find and return the lost item to the library before an item is processed and transferred to the Business Office, replacement fees will be waived and you will only be responsible for the $10.00 fee. When the personal email is sent for the last warning, the shelves are checked and the patron’s account will be noted. After being transferred to the Business Office, the item record will be deleted and refunds can no longer be given at this point.
Borrowers who have been billed for a lost book may be able to provide a replacement copy of the exact same book (same ISBN) in lieu of paying the replacement cost (they will still be charged the overdue fines) Acceptance of a replacement book is provisional. The book will be reviewed in a timely manner by the Director of Library Operations to determine whether it will be accepted. If it is accepted, the replacement fee will be waived. If it is not, the borrower will be held liable for the replacement fee and will be notified of that decision.
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